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View pages - Pages List

In sidebar menu, locate & click Pages button under Content section. You will land into Pages List view. Here you can see all of your pages in your current organization.

Creating new page

In Pages List, locate & click + Create Page button on right top corner. It will open Create page form. Add title and hit Submit button. You will land on Edit page view.

Edit page

Weather you have created new page or click Edit button on page list view, you will land to Edit page view.

Following are the things you can do in the edit page view:

  • Left Section
    • Title: Edit page title
    • Slug: Edit page slug (This is what you will see in URL of the page)
    • Excerpt: Short introduction of the page. It will be also used in meta description of the page.
    • Content: Write page content into the content box.
  • Right Section
    • Publish page: Toggle button to publish page. Page will not be visible to the public until published.
    • Make designer page: Toggle button to convert page into designer page.
    • Exclude from sitemap: Toggle button to exclude current page from sitemap.
    • Featured image: Featured image upload area.
    • Parent page: Select parent page if any.