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HTML Blocks

Welcome to the HTML Blocks section of our documentation. Our website builder offers a variety of pre-designed HTML blocks that you can use to create stunning and responsive landing pages with ease. Each block is crafted to fit specific needs, ensuring you can build professional and engaging pages without any coding knowledge.

What are HTML Blocks?

HTML blocks are modular, reusable components that represent different sections of a webpage. They are the building bricks of your landing pages, allowing you to customize the layout and content quickly. Our library of HTML blocks includes everything from navigation bars to feature sections, testimonials, call-to-action buttons, and more.

HTML Blocks Examples

Here are few example of HTML block:


  • Purpose: This block typically includes branding elements such as your logo, contact information, and social media links. It sits at the very top of your page, providing easy access to essential information.
  • Usage: Use the topbar to maintain brand consistency across your pages and provide quick links for user engagement.

Hero Section

  • Purpose: The hero section is the first major block users see when they land on your page. It usually features a compelling headline, a subheadline, and a call-to-action button, often accompanied by a striking image or video.
  • Usage: Utilize the hero section to grab your visitors’ attention immediately and convey your core message effectively.

Feature Section

  • Purpose: This block highlights the key features or benefits of your product or service. It often includes icons, short descriptions, and images or videos that illustrate each feature.
  • Usage: Use the feature section to showcase what sets your product apart and why users should choose it.

Testimonial Section

  • Purpose: The testimonial section provides social proof by featuring quotes and reviews from satisfied customers. It helps build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Usage: Place testimonials strategically to reinforce positive feedback and customer satisfaction.

Call-to-Action (CTA) Section

  • Purpose: This block is designed to prompt users to take a specific action, such as signing up, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. It typically includes a strong, persuasive statement and a prominent button.
  • Usage: Use the CTA section to drive conversions and guide users toward your desired outcomes.

How to Use HTML Blocks

To use HTML blocks in your landing pages, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Dashboard: Login to the dashboard at Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Page: Go to the page where you want to add a block.
  3. Open Design Options: Click the Design button.
  4. Add Block: Scroll down and click the Add Block button.
  5. Select HTML Block:
    • A popup will open displaying the available HTML blocks.
    • Choose a category from the left side.
    • You will see several HTML block variations on the right side.
  6. Insert Block: Click on the desired HTML block you want to add, and it will be inserted into the landing page configuration.
  7. Customize Block: Make changes according to your needs.
  8. Save Page: Save the page to apply your changes.

General Purpose HTML Blocks

General purpose HTML blocks can be used for any website type. Examples of blocks include:

  • Topbar
  • Headers
  • Heros
  • Feature Sections
  • Footers

These blocks are versatile and can be adapted to fit a wide range of websites and industries. For further details about general-purpose blocks, visit the General HTML Blocks Section.

Speciality HTML Blocks

Speciality HTML blocks are designed specifically for particular industries. These blocks include unique features and functionalities tailored to meet the needs of specific professions. For example:

  • Immigration Agents: We offer immigration calculators to help clients assess their eligibility and understand the immigration process.
  • Real Estate Agents: We provide real estate listings blocks and search blocks to display properties and allow users to search for listings.

For further details about speciality blocks, visit the Speciality HTML Blocks Section.